Plastic-Clever Cumbria Pledges
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Cumbrians are turning the tide on plastic - join them!
People across Cumbria have been finding ways to cut down on single-use plastic. You can join them by making pledges to reduce plastic waste. Your pledges will also show local businesses and organisations that lots of us want alternatives to single-use plastic, helping to reduce it across Cumbria even more. Add your voice now!

The Plastic-Free Cumbria Pledge scheme is run by sustainability groups from across Cumbria, with the support of Cumbria County Council.
Choose Your Pledges
(Please tick all the actions you intend to take, or already do. Just ignore any that don’t apply to you. You can also add your own pledges further down.)
I pledge to refuse plastic:
I pledge to choose:
I pledge to act:
Got another pledge? Put it here:
If there are other things you'll do to reduce single-use plastic, you can put your own pledge below:
I pledge to:
Want to know more? If you'd like to hear about activities to tackle plastic and make Cumbria that little bit greener, tick which newsletters you'd like and put your email address below.
About You
How your personal details will be used:
Your name and town help show that real people are making pledges, and which areas of Cumbria are represented. Your
details will not be published. They may be viewed by several organisations that are helping with the Plastic-Clever Cumbria
pledge scheme. If you’ve opted for a newsletter, your email address will be sent to the group(s) you’d like to hear from.
If you have any questions about the scheme or how your data will be used, please get in touch with Penrith Action for
Community Transition (PACT), which is looking after the scheme across Cumbria:
Your name *
Your email address
Your town or village *
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