Nonprofit Accelerator Programs
Hello, friend!

Thank you for your interest in working together. We weren't meant to do life alone, and we sure weren't meant to do nonprofit work alone. I'm honored to support you in your efforts to make an impact.

I help:
-Nonprofits looking to maximize their impact through grant writing and strategic planning.
-Grant Writers looking to strengthen their competence and be more competitive in their grant applications.

My programs are NOT ideal for:
-Those looking for business grants or grants to start a business.
-Those looking for a quick fix without taking action.

I fully appreciate the value of every dollar, especially in nonprofit work, which is why I only work with organizations and grant writers that are undoubtedly a great fit for my services. Please answer a few short questions for me below so we can be sure it's a great combo to move forward.

I'll get back to you shortly. I look forward to hearing about your work!

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Your First and Last Name: *
Your Email: *
Your Nonprofit: *
What is your nonprofit's website? *
How long has your nonprofit been operating? *
What is your role? (Check all that apply.) *
Where are you currently experiencing challenges? Check any that apply. *
What is your nonprofit's current annual operating budget? *
What is your ideal time frame for begining our work together? *
Tell me more about what you specifically need help with right now. *
What goals would you like to reach within the next 6-12 months? *
What do you feel is keeping you from achieving these goals right now? *
We're prepared to invest at the following level to work together: *
Anything else you'd like to share? I look forward to reading your notes and will get back to you soon!
One last question: How did you hear about me? *
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