2023 KABT Fall Conference Event Registration
Thank you for your interest in attending the 2023 Kansas Association of Biology Teachers conference! We will have an exciting day lined up with teachers from across the state! Agenda is still pending, but we will email it to you late October.

Event Timing: Saturday, November 18th. 9am - ~4pm.
Event Cost: $15 - Lunch included
Event Address: 1434 NE 80th Street, Stafford, KS 67578-8818

You do not need to be a member of KABT to attend. However, we'd love to have you!
You may choose to add membership below ($15 for teachers in second year and beyond of teaching; complimentary membership for pre-service and teachers currently in first year of teaching).

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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School/Organization AND what do you teach? *
Which of the following options would you like to pay for today? *
How would you like to complete your registration? *
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