Survey - sense of safe online
We are asking you to fill out a survey to find out the extent to which you feel safe online. This will make it possible to assess the effectiveness and changes in the perception of the risks associated with Internet use among seniors.
Please complete the survey by marking the appropriate option.
The survey is anonymous and is addressed to people aged 55 and older.
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How often do you use the Internet?


How much time do you spend using the Internet?


Which of the following devices do you use most often to access the Internet?


For what purpose do you use the Internet most often? (please choose the 3 most frequent)


Do you post information about yourself online, other than the basic (name)?


Does the computer or mobile device from which you most often connect to the Internet have up-to-date antivirus software installed?


Have you ever been a victim of cybercriminals or computer viruses?


What do you see as the biggest threat from using the Internet?


Do you know the dangers of careless use of the Internet?


How do you rate your own knowledge of the risk of cyber threat opportunities?

How do you define your knowledge of safe Internet use? *

How would you rate your level of online security?


What rules, methods, opportunities for safe use of the Internet do you know?


Do you think the available knowledge about online safety is understandable to ordinary users?


What else do you think could be improved to improve online safety? (please mark the three most important)


How do you have knowledge about using the Internet safely?

Thank you for filling the survey !!! 
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