The Power of Making Thinking Visible
Registration is open from SEPTEMBER 18 - OCTOBER 2. 
Due to space constraints, the workshop must be limited to 24 participants.

To express interest in this workshop, please complete the form after reading the information below. There is no charge for this workshop, as your school is a member of Mlf America. All other expenses and arrangements (hotel, transportation, meals, etc) are at the discretion of the school. The workshop will run approximately from 9am-4pm local time each day. Plan accordingly to fully participate.

Visible Thinking Routines (VTR) were developed as part of the Harvard Project Zero. They are a systematic way to view students’ thinking and encourage reflective practice. They involve a series of steps or questions to help reveal students’ thinking.  

Visible Thinking Routines:
- Foster deep learning
- Cultivate engaged students
- Change the role of student & teacher
- Enhance our formative assessment practice
- Improve learning (even on standardized tests)
- Develop thinking dispositions

This 2-day workshop is for any secondary teacher (Grades 6-12), regardless of discipline,  interested in creating more engagement, motivation, curiosity and reflection in their students. This workshop is for secondary teachers both familiar with, and not familiar, with VTR.

Ellen Burdge, Pedagogical Advisor and Leadership and Design Consultant for Mlf America will lead this workshop in English. It will be held in the Seattle area at the French American School of Puget Sound on December 9 & 10, 2024. Some resources will be available in French. 

In this immersive workshop, participants will:
- understand the research base behind VTR
- understand how thinking routines are different than activities
- practice VTR (in particular new routines released in 2020; Engaging with Others, Engaging in Action, Engaging with Ideas)
- reflect on their own experiences and learning with VTR
- apply VTR to the content of their own discipline in real time

If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Burdge at

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Name of School *
What discipline do you currently teach? *
What grades do you currently teach? *
I am interested in attending this workshop. *
Why are you interested in this workshop?
What is your experience with visible thinking routines?
What questions do you have? or What else do you want me to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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