Malawi Gospel Outreach 2023
MGO 2023 outreach will be from 7-16 August, Lord willing. An advance party will be in the country for a few days prior and participants are welcome to come and help with preparations. You are also encouraged to take an extra day or two to experience some of Malawi's excellent game-viewing hospitality after the end of the trip.

If you aren't free for the entire time, that won't be a problem and we will try our best to coordinate airport transfers.

Please make sure you understand the current travel requirements - see below for a helpful summary. 
(This is NOT an official government website and you are strongly advised to check official channels.)

Accommodation will be provided at and there is an accommodation cost of £30* per person per night (sharing). We will take care of the cost of meals and transport.

See for further details

*If funds are available, Students / Unemployed persons may be eligible for subsidised accommodation costs. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for this.

Please note - this is a private mission trip and the organisers retain the right to refuse applications they deem unsuitable at their sole discretion.
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