People Opposed to Measure WV
Measure WV, if passed, will authorize the Walnut Valley Unified School District to issue up to $152 million in general obligation bonds. This represents over $305 million in new taxes. It is 80% of the maximum amount of bond indebtedness that the district is permitted under California law. For additional information, click
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Talking Points
Lots of people are against taxes on principle. There are very specific reasons this measure should be defeated that go beyond that. Here are a few.

1. The only board meeting it was discussed at was the one where it was passed.
2. The agenda for the meeting didn't let the public know that the Board was voting on $208 million in bonds. (Brown Act violation)
3. There is not a single specific school facility project that is listed in the measure. (Constitution violation)
4. The board is going to reimburse itself from the bond money when personnel do anything connected with the bond -- phone calls, meetings, photocopies, etc. (Constitution violation)
5. The public won't know what the money's going to be spent on until after it's spent.
6. There is no oversight. The board appoints the oversight committee.
7. The oversight committee has no authority to stop the misuse of funds.
8. Read the fine print. The funds will go to parking lots, playgrounds, kitchens, etc.
9. The bonds will be used for all school maintenance, freeing up the regular taxes for salaries, benefits, and other perks.
10. What is instructional technology? Common Core requires tracking of hundreds of pieces of student and family information that will be shared with Feds and private marketing companies.
[A link to the full list of reasons to vote no will be available shortly.]

If you wish, you may also say a few words about why you're opposing the bonds. For example, "Why doesn't the district tell us the actual projects the money will fund?" (250 characters max)
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