Health History Information
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Name *
How did you find out about us? *
Date of Birth *
Please include your date of birth (month / day / year)
Gender *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact e-Mail *
Please name your medical condition or disease *
Weight: *
Height: *
The reason why I need this examination is: *
When were you diagnosed with this medical condition? *
Please list all medication you are currently taking *
Please list all supplements you are currently taking *
Is your general health good? *
If your last answer was no, please explain:
Has there been a change in your health within the last year? *
If your last answer was yes, please explain:
Have you gone to the hospital or emergency room or had a serious illness the last three years? *
Are you being treated by a physician now? *
If your last answer was yes, please explain:
Are you in pain now? *
If your last answer was yes, please explain:
Have you done any spinal cord surgery? *
If your last answer was yes, please explain:
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