Husky Heritage Weeks
Cost: $50 per athlete
Week 1: June 19-23 (7:00AM-9:00AM)
Week 2: June 26-29 (7:00AM-9:00AM)
Week 3: July 10-14 (7:00AM-9:00AM)
Week 4: July 17-21 (7:00AM-9:00AM)
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Email *
Athlete Requirements:
For the athlete to participate they must have a complete physical for the 22-23 or 23-24 school year on file and RankOne filled out. 
Athlete's Name *
Athletes Grade (incoming) *
Athlete Shirt Size *
Emergency Contact (Name, Relationship, Phone Number)
Payment by check (made out to Bryan Mathews) or venmo. 
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