Help TechCrunch find the best brand designers
Please tell us about a talented designer you've worked with that helped develop your company's brand identity and/or brand narrative in the brief survey below.

All answers are on the record unless you tell us otherwise, and we may follow up to confirm quotes or ask more questions.

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1. Name of designer/agency and location *
2. How strongly would you recommend this designer/agency to a friend? *
3. Approximately how many hours have you worked with this designer/agency? *
4. What areas of design expertise did they demonstrate? *
A lot
Visual Brand Identity
UX + UI Design
Brand Narrative + Strategy
5. Tell us in more detail about their biggest contributions to you and your company? Please share specific examples, so other founders can understand how great they are:
6. Include any links to their work with you, if available:
7. Your name: *
8. Your email *
9. Your Twitter handle (if you want us to include)
10. Your company name + company URL (if you want us to include) *
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