Coil Clears - RP Levellers
Organised by Kilieit / Aghurlal Qar'akimusun. Contact me for questions!
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What is your main character's in-game name? *
This is so I can contact you if you're not logged on the character you want clears for when it's time to assemble.
Your Participation
What is the in-game name of the character you want clears on? *
If the same as your main, just enter your main's name again.
Which coil(s) have you already cleared on this character? *
Check all that apply. This is about in-game completion for the character, not your experience as a player.
Can you bring any of the following roles AT LEVEL 60?
It's okay to enter with these roles below 60, but we need at least 1 of each per group at 60, and sometimes 2 tanks.
Your Availability
What days and times are you available for this? *
Make sure you denote times with what timezone you're writing in, IN UTC+/-# FORMAT WHERE POSSIBLE. E.g. [BST is UTC+1] [EST (daylight savings) is UTC-4]
Do you have any way I can get in touch with you outside the game? *
E.g. Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, RPC PM... If not, answer "no".
Do you have anything else to add?
More information about your experience in Coils, any loot you're after, questions for me, etc.
Clear form
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