Hack The Future Hosting Questions
Thanks for volunteering to help us host Hack The Future! We'd love for you to fill out this questionnaire to make the process more streamlined - answer everything to the best of your knowledge, that way we'll know what else we need to find out before we can use the space.

In general, we need:
- Space for at minimum 70 people
- Wireless internet
- Good sources of power (3-prong outlets, capable of using power strips)
- Safe for kids 10 and up
- Allowed to bring in outside food.

Thanks so much!
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What is the name and address of the space? *
Who is our point of contact for reserving the space, and any setup questions we have? *
Please include their phone number or email address too.
How large is the space? *
Square footage, number of rooms, approximations are fine.
What is the maximum number of people allowed in the space?
Usually there’s a sign in the room that has this printed on it.
Are there any noise constraints?
How much parking is available, and what kind? *
Parking lot, street, paid garage, etc.
What dates are you available?
Location (URL) of a reservation calendar would be perfect.
Can we access the space as early as 8am and as late as 6pm?
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Can we leave materials and furniture overnight to prepare for setup?
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Do you expect reimbursement for the space?
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Has your wireless internet ever supported a convention of 200 or more people?
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How many tables and chairs can we use?
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Do you have any contracts limiting who can cater to the space?
We usually order pizza from a shop local to the space, and buy drinks at Costco.
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What kind of liability insurance do you have covering damage to the facility by the kids, and to the kids by the event? *
Is there anything else we should know?
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