Crew Application- The Day the Internet Died
General Information:

Director: Rachel Murdock, 

Rehearsals: Sept. 15 - Nov. 10, Performances scheduled on November 11 at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Crew rehearsals begin in September, except Stage Manager, who attends all rehearsals as if they were a cast member.

Decisions on Crew: You will be contacted by Sept. 14 about your spot on crew

Times: Rehearsal times are scheduled from 3-4:30 p.m.  As we near performance day, some rehearsals run longer.  Please pay attention to the schedule to be sure you are at rehearsals when you are needed.

Attendance: Students are expected to be at all rehearsals to which they are called (scheduled to attend). The schedule may change, so please check the schedule frequently for updates
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Parent(s) name(s) and email(s)
There are a number of different crew opportunities. Please read the descriptions below and check the crew opportunities in which you are interested
More information: Please tell me any experience you have or if there is a particular crew job you really want and why you are well qualified for it.
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