Have you attended and / or performed at a Firefly event before? If so what year/event? *
Your answer
How many people are in your group? What instruments etc do you use. If you have one, what is your stage plot or set up? *
Your answer
Do you have any social media links, channels, or other examples of your offerings that we can listen to or watch? *
Your answer
Are you able to perform any of the evenings between July 8-13? If no, when are you available to play? Please note that weekends are usually filled. *
Your answer
Are you interested in attending the entire event? If not, which days are you available/interested in attending? *
Your answer
Are you open to creative pay options, such as entrance to the event and/or social media spotlights? And what is the base pay that you require to attend? This helps us determine your flexibility as we discuss options. *
Your answer
Why do you think your group is a good fit for The Firefly Gathering? *
Your answer
Anything else you'd like to share?
Your answer
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