Performer Intake Form
Hello, and thank you for your interest in being a performer at the annual Firefly Gathering, happening July 8-13, 2025 at The Wild Human Preserve in Green Mountain, NC. Please know that we have limited spaces and seek to engage local people as much as possible. As this is our large fundraiser for our nonprofit organization, we have a small budget for performers, and often trade tickets to the event and advertisement to our 30K+ engaged followers as part of our compensation for your talent. Please note: we do not pay / trade tickets for: fire spinners, aerialists, live painters, sound baths, hoopers, acro-yoga and things of this nature. We encourage folks to bring their gifts and share them, but are unable to compensate for this at this time. Please take a moment to fill out the following application so we can learn a little more about you to determine if you might be a good fit for our event! We will begin engaging performers in February, so stay tuned, and Thank you! 
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Email *
What is the name of you or your band/group/offering?  *
Preferred contact (name, email & phone number, please.) *
Have you attended and / or performed at a Firefly event before? If so what year/event?  *
How many people are in your group? What instruments etc do you use. If you have one, what is your stage plot or set up?  *
Do you have any social media links, channels, or other examples of your offerings that we can listen to or watch? *
Are you able to perform any of the evenings between July 8-13? If no, when are you available to play? Please note that weekends are usually filled. *
Are you interested in attending the entire event? If not, which days are you available/interested in attending? *
Are you open to creative pay options, such as entrance to the event and/or social media spotlights? And what is the base pay that you require to attend? This helps us determine your flexibility as we discuss options.  *
Why do you think your group is a good fit for The Firefly Gathering? *
Anything else you'd like to share? 
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