PEI Centre for Craft Gallery Consignment Policies
Opened in 2018, the PEI Centre for Craft  retail gallery space is  run by the Craft Council of PEI. We represent members of PEICC by promoting and selling their work year round in the bustling downtown core of historical Charlottetown, PEI. All members wishing to sell through PEICC retail gallery must first have successfully passed our Standards of Quality Jury to Professional Level in design and technique skills. Appropriate works may then be selected and approved by the PEICC standards committee/board/ED and retail gallery staff based on available display space, flow of mediums and works and seasonal demands.


Only current Professional Level Members of the PEICC and are eligible to sell in our retail gallery. Work and professionalism may be reviewed at any point in time by the Standards Jury to ensure that it meets our Standards of Quality.

Work promoted and sold in the PEICC retail gallery is on consignment.  Artists will receive 60% of the retail price.

Monthly payments for sold items are made by cheque. This is forwarded to the artist on the 15th of the month following the sale. E.g. Payment for items sold in January will be issued on the 15th February. An itemized Artist Settlement Report will accompany the cheque.  

As PEICC is a not-for profit organization, our 40% commission percentage goes towards operating expenses (e.g. staffing, utilities, supplies, etc.). Surplus revenue is reinvested into PEICC’s educational programming.

Please inform PEICC if you are GST registered upon registration, and include your GST number if  applicable.
Please let us know to whom cheques are to be made to upon registration.

Cheques must be cashed within 6 months of issue. Uncashed cheques after this date will be  cancelled and no replacement will be issued.

If membership dues or any outstanding fees are unpaid, work will be removed from display until balances are paid.


PEICC strives to have well maintained and attractive displays.

PEICC retains the right to display work as we see fit, including quantities and selection.

Factors such as space, season, aesthetics, and sales history will affect how we display work.  

Displays are restocked and rotated frequently.

We may not be able to display entire collections at once due to space restraints.

Any work kept as back-stock is offered to interested customers as alternatives when appropriate.  


It is important for PEICC to offer variety to the visitors of Prince Edward Island, which, in turn, encourages more sales and repeat visits. We ask that our consignors try not to sell the same collection/design in other shops on PEI, (public market excluded).

Please inform us of any special care instructions that your work has. E.g. cleaning

Consignors own their work until it has sold. The responsibility is upon the artist to maintain their own inventory record of the product(s) and price(s) they have submitted.  

Appropriate inventory levels must be maintained so that displays can be kept looking full. We require work to be sent to us no longer than 6 weeks after a request has been made for additional stock.  

We ask that consignors notify us about any new work they feel might be suitable for our space so that we can keep our selection fresh and vibrant.  

If your work has not sold within 4 months it will be flagged, and you will be asked to refresh or remove it from the shop.

Work to be returned must be picked up within a month of contact. If you do not pick up your work within one month of being notified, it will be considered a donation to PEICC and you will receive a tax receipt for the value.

If possible, we ask that inventory is delivered during the week to alleviate congestion on busy weekends.  

At least 2 days’ notice must be given if you choose to remove inventory. Please let us know at:

Please do not withdraw work so that you may sell it privately.

We encourage you to keep records of inventory and sales so that it can be used to identify your bestsellers, popular colours and ranges ( – Useful for your product development!).


We ask that you maintain consistency in your retail prices through all of your retail outlets, including private studio sales.
If an artist wishes to make changes to their retail prices, please notify us in writing, including a list of items affected.


Only deliver work to us that you are proud of and that represents your work to the highest standard.

Only deliver work create using materials and techniques that have been approved by the Standards of Quality. New designs using the same techniques as your SOQ entry are acceptable.  

PEICC reserves the right to decline any work that we believe does not meet our SOQ.  

To avoid disappointment, we ask that artists make an appointment if wishing to come in and speak with the store manager or ED directly regarding any topic.


PEICC retains the right to display and market consigned products through our marketing channels. This includes our web site, social media, advertising, promotional materials, and events. We may take our own photos, or show one of the artist’s own - the artist will always be credited where appropriate.

We enjoy sharing your story and processes with our customers - both verbally and in written format. Make sure to keep us updated with relevant information (including contact info., artist statements, product changes, and professional development).


Any discounts offered to our customers are absorbed by PEICC; The artist always receives 60% of the original retail price.
We may offer discounts to our staff and volunteers, and workers of PEICC and hold Customer Appreciation Sale Days where we offer discount to the public, as well as sales throughout the year.  Any discounts will be adjusted manually on your Settlement Report at the end of each month. Please do not be alarmed to see the sale of a piece for a lower price than originally listed – the variance will be adjusted on your cheque and recorded on your Settlement Report.


PEICC has a 7-day return policy, for an exchange or store credit. We reserve the right to make exceptions at our discretion. If you have already been paid for the sale, the amount will be deducted from your next payment.


We take careful measures to prevent theft and breakage. In the event of shrinkage, we will notify the consignor and payout their 60% of the retail price up to a maximum of $400 per piece.

In the event of a natural disaster, PEICC is not insured.  

There are limitations to jewelry insurance coverage.


The artist is responsible for any shipping costs to and from PEICC. For return shipping, payment can be made over the phone by credit card, or it can be deducted from your monthly sales. PEICC will pack sold items going out of province.  Pieces requiring special packaging or crating will be packaged by the artisan. Cost of shipping will be added to the sale price and paid by the customer.  
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