Madrasah for the Next Generation (Al-tadhkirah Institute,WA)
Enrollment for Weekend classes
(1st term Enrolment closed on the 10th January 2024, new registrant will be in the waiting list for term 1 and term 2)

Class time: 
Saturday - Sunday : 10.00am – 01.00pm
or Choose one day of weekend 
Male and female
6 years/ Grade 1 onwards 

Teaching Staffs:
Imam Abdur Rahman (Principal)
Haafiz Ismail Hossain 
Sh. Abqary Hisan
Ustadah Umi Khomisah
Ustadah wan Adibah

...Employing more teachers...

Classroom environment with Table-Chair and Multimedia facility.
Recreational facilities: 

(Please visit for the full programs)

Location: Armadale Masjid and Islamic Centre (AMIC), 16/7 Albany Hwy, Pioneer Village, Armadale, WA 6112, 0865941997, 0483880001
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Fees: $90 per month for both days of weekend and $80 per month for one day on weekend
Please transfer money to Armadale Masjid, BSB 083961 Account 944133011
Pay Online: 
Name *
Choose Class days *
Gender *
School Grade *
School name *
Parent's name *
Phone *
Address *
Other thoughts or comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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