Canadian L2 Tester application form
This form is for those who wish to certify for L2 Tester. Please note that if there is a large number of applicants at once, they may be prioritized based on urgency.
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What is your name?
What is your DCI#?
When did you certify for L2?
Why does your area need an L2 tester? (max 100 words)
Please list two events where you, as an L2, judged with at least one other L2 - Please include their name(s)
Please list one judge whom you certified for L1 who either is an L2 now or is ready to test for L2
1a) Please include one review (from the last 12 months) where you certified a judge for L1
1b) Please include another review (from anytime) of a different judge whom you certified for L1
2) Please include one review (from the last 12 months) of an L1 judge who was seeking L2, either as a recommendation or why it is *not* a recommendation
3a) Please include one review (from the last 12 months) of an L2+ judge
3b) Please include another review (from the last 12 months) of an L2+ judge
3c) Please include a review (from the last 12 months) of any judge - This review cannot be one that you could use for Section 1 or 2
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