QuaverHealth•PE Community Challenge: Safest School National Contest
We hope you and your students had fun creating your video and incorporating the song "Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Aware" or the Safety Pledge!

Submit your school’s video below to enter the QuaverHealth•PE’s Safest School National Contest. Submissions are due on March 31st. The winning video will be announced in mid-April in the QuaverEd newsletter and on @QuaverEd social media.

If you have questions, contact us via email Info@QuaverEd.com or phone (866) 917-3633.
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Your Name *
Your Email Address *
School Name *
City, State *
By checking this box, I certify every student's parent/guardian has given permission to be included in this submission. I am the owner of the content and I have permission to submit on behalf of the school. I understand QuaverEd will use this submission in the following, but not limiting, ways: promotions, social media, advertising, and customer communication. *
Paste the URL to your video here. *
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