Welcome Desk Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer for Family Tree Clinic. We do not have openings currently but will in the future. Leave your info below and we will contact you when slots open up.

An ideal volunteer is someone who is excited about sexual and reproductive healthcare that is queer and trans affirming. Welcome Desk volunteers are so important to the clinic being able to operate smoothly and successfully! So, please be mindful if you have capacity to reliably volunteer on a consistent basis (weekly or biweekly depending on what you prefer). We'd love for volunteers to commit to at least 3 months. 

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Email *
Name *
Pronouns *
What timeslot(s) would you be available for a Welcome Desk shift? Shifts are between 2 to 4.5 hours, and can be weekly or biweekly depending on your capacity. Feel free to be more specific in the "Other" option! Note: for Saturdays, you can choose to do however many Saturdays you'd like, but we prefer a commitment of one Saturday a month.
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