2019 Kansas Honors Connections Conference Call for Presentations
Connect with honors students throughout the state of Kansas, share your research, and take part in the fifth Kansas Honors Connections Conference on Saturday,  November 2, at Emporia State University.

The Kansas Honors Council invites Kansas honors students to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, poster presentation, original artwork exhibition, and/or musical/theatrical performance. The oral presentation is limited to 10 minutes while the performances are limited to 15 minutes. Additional time will be provided for questions and answers afterward.

Please complete this application by October 7. Registration cost to attend is $20. This includes a light breakfast and lunch.

Registration will be available via this link: https://secure.touchnet.com/C20725_ustores/web/classic/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=684

If you have any questions, please email kansashonorscouncil@gmail.com or contact Ryan Diehl at diehlr@hutchcc.edu or (620) 665-3414.
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Please Select One of the Following
Title of Presentation
Abstract (250 Words or Less)
If applicable, please list additional equipment/instruments that will be needed for your performance.
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