2025 OACA All-Star Match-June 
Congratulations on being named All League! Being recognized for your athletic achievements is such an accomplishment.  Eastern Oregon University will be hosting the 10th Annual All-Star Volleyball Match on June 21st, 2025 in La Grande, Oregon.  We would personally like to invite you to the event and have provided some information below. The matches are scheduled for Saturday, June 21st, 2025, with practice sessions scheduled on Friday, June 20th, 2025 at 5:30 pm. The cost to participate in the All-Star Match is $150.00 per athlete(checks made out to EOU Volleyball). Senior Athletes are encouraged to find local sponsors to help cover this cost. Depending on the number of participants, we will have four matches, one match for each classification. If we do not get enough for a team per each classification, we will combine for matches. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  

General Information
Matches will be comprised of 1A-6A high school SENIOR student athletes.
Parents and Fans will be charged $5.00 admission on Saturday for the event.
Programs will be available and will feature each athlete, as well as their sponsors.
Athletes should plan to arrive in La Grande on June 20th, 2025 for practice at 5:30 pm. Check in will be at 5 pm.
Each member will receive a sweatshirt in honor of their participation.
Players should plan on bringing their volleyball attire including jersey, spandex, good court shoes, knee pads and a water bottle.
ARE YOU A SENIOR? If so, continue to fill out the form *
Name (First, Last) *
Street Address  *
City *
State  *
Contact Phone Number  *
Email  *
High School Name  *
High School Classification *
Height  *
Sweatshirt Size  *
Jersey Number  *
Intended Position  *
Intended College  *
Intended Major *
Are you participating in College Athletics? *
Athletic Accomplishments  *
Please list your sponsors below...or bring/mail your check! 
EOU Athletics 
Attn: Kaki Morehead 
One University Blvd 
La Grande, Or 97850
EOU Informed Consent: Participant agreed to abide by the following rules:- I agree to follow safety and other instructions provided by the Coach/Clinician/Coordinator/Trainer- I agree to share in the responsibility for my own safety and not endanger others who are participating in the activity- I agree to operate and use equipment, tools, and materials in a safe manner. Failure to do so may result in being asked to leave the property.- I will immediately report all injuries to the Coach/Clinician/Coordinator/Trainer- I agree to refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs during the activity- I understand that participation in this activity is voluntary- I acknowledge that I have the physical capacity necessary to engage in the described activity above.- In case of an emergency, accident or illness, I give my permission to be treated by a professional medical person and if necessary, be admitted to a hospital.- I agree to be the party responsible for all medical expenses incurred on my behalf.- I agree not to shelter firearms on my possession or within a vehicle in route to during, and returning from an activity. - Failure to sign this form will result in inability to participate.
Liability Waiver:  The Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.280 to 30.300) permits Eastern Oregon University to accept responsibility only for the acts of its officers, employees, and/or agents. Eastern Oregon University is prohibited from accepting any liability for the acts, omissions, and conduct of persons participating in activities. The participant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State, Eastern Oregon University, its officers, employees, and agents from all claims, suits, or actions of any nature arising out of participation in these activities, other than negligent acts of Eastern Oregon University, its officers, employees and/or agents. I acknowledge that I am participating in this activity at my own risk. I understand that, due to the inherent nature of the activity, there is a risk of injury in participating in these activities. By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the risks above and understand the assumption of general risk and agree to the conditions listed above.
Picture: Please send a picture you would like in the program. Can be an action or senior picture. Send directly to me at: kmclean@eou.edu
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