Sign-On Letter to the Yonkers City Council

Dear City of Yonkers City Council Members:

We, the residents of the City of Yonkers, oppose the proposed legislation intended to revise the charter to extend term limits for those elected to local government -- yet again -- from three consecutive four-year terms to four consecutive four-year terms (or a total of 16 years) in a manner that is deeply anti-democratic.

We ask that each member of the Yonkers City Council who supports the amendment immediately abandon any efforts to “force through" a vote on this revision without broad-based community participation. The attempt to rush an increase through immediately in the aftermath of an election and during the holiday season when residents are less likely to be engaged and less likely to be able to participate is offensive to the ideals of a representative democracy. We write to demand that this issue instead be brought up for a referendum at the next election so that the voice of the people can be heard.

It is no secret why the Council did not elect to bring this issue to a referendum in the first place. There were two prior referenda associated with this issue – in 1994 and 2001 – the voters resoundingly rejected an increase in term limits. Notwithstanding the clear will of the people, all but two members of the City Council voted to extend the term limits from two terms to three in 2018. Now the Council is poised to attempt this again and hoping to push the increase through under a “cover of darkness” and lack of transparency that contributes to distrust in our local elected officials and the democratic processes.

We will not let that happen. We believe we speak for the overwhelming majority of Yonkers residents who do not want to see a term limit increase take effect, and we are determined to spread the word and make sure that the community shows up in force to demand transparency and accountability from this Council.

We look forward to seeing you at the Rules Committee meeting this Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30. As we understand the public will not be able to comment, let this letter serve as the comment we would make. We will not allow our collective will to be subverted, and we will not stand down until this anti-democratic effort is defeated.


The undersigned Yonkers City residents

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