Please take a minute to fill this out.  It helps us know how we are doing and what changes are needed for us to improve.
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How often do you ride LCT shuttles and why?                                 *
Primarily Why: *
Do you own a car? Is the bus your main form of transportation? *
How do you pay for the Shuttle? *
What fare do you pay? *
How were our drivers? *
Did you feel safe? *
Did we deviate to pick you up or were you waiting at the stop? *
If we deviated, did the curb to curb service meet your expectations? *
Was the shuttle on time? If not, what route were you riding? *
Overall, how was your experience between 1 (being the lowest) and 5 (being the highest)? *
What changes to the Shuttle Service and to public transit in generally, would you like to see?  These can be big or small changes-whatever would most improve your experience as a transit rider. *
Name (optional)
Phone Number (optional)
The Lawrence County Transit thanks you for your time and feedback!!
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