Kinłani (Flagstaff) Mutual Aid
This is for members of the Kinłani (Flagstaff) community and region to volunteer to offer skills, resources, supplies, space and time to community members who are most vulnerable among us.

Esto es para que los miembros de la comunidad de Flagstaff se ofrezcan como voluntarios (incluyendo los barrios periféricos, desde Timberline y Doney hasta Kachina y Mountainaire) para ofrecer habilidades, recursos, suministros, espacio y tiempo, a los miembros de la comunidad que son más vulnerables entre nosotros.

We need to show up for each other.  Especially for those who are at great risk (the elderly, the immunocompromised, those with chronic illnesses, the poor, unsheltered folks, undocumented immigrants, those with little or no access to health care).  

We will absolutely not be sharing any information outside of our organization, and we have no interest in whether anyone is documented or undocumented. We are all in this together -- regardless.
This form is not open to cops, law enforcement officers, or any agents of the state.

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