Change of Address 
This form must be accompanied by two proofs of residency which may include:

• A valid NYS driver's license (with current address)

• Utility bill, Credit card bill, Insurance bill, etc.

• Signed statement of sale agreement or signed rental agreement

• Income tax return

• Proof of voter registration

These can be emailed to or mailed to
Skaneateles Central Schools
45 East Elizabeth Street
Skaneateles NY 13152
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What date does this change become effective? *
List all students this change effects including their building and grade.  *
What is your new address? *
What is your previous address? *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Relationship to student(s): *
Email address:
Phone number: *
Home address if different than student:
Parent/Guardian name:
Relationship to student:
Email address:
Phone Number:
Home address if different from student:
Marital status: *
Is there a custody agreement? If yes, please provide the district with a copy of the agreement) *
If yes, which parent has physical custody?
Name of non custodial parent/guardian contact information for school mailings/communications.
Relationship to student:
Mailing address:
Email address:
Phone numbers:
Other parent, siblings or extended family members living in the home.  Please list name, relationship to student, date of birth (if sibling/child) and current grade (if student).
The two questions below are intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435.  The answers to this residency information help determine the services that you or your child may be eligible to receive. 
Is your current address a temporary living arrangement? *
Is this temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing or economic hardship?
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If you answered YES to the above questions, please complete a McKinney-Vento Act Residency Questionnaire.
I understand that the statements made in this form will be relied upon by the Skaneateles School District.  I swear/affirm that these statements are true under the penalty of perjury, and I understand that the filing of a false instrument and the theft of services from a governmental agency such as a school district may be punishable under New York State Law.  I further acknowledge that making false statements in this affidavit may subject me to criminal prosecution.  Please type initials in the space below. 
Please email with any questions regarding documentation, proof of residency, or guardianship/custody.
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