Influencer Partner Request Form
Please fill out this form if you are interested in collaborating with JUST via social media! If the team deems that it's a good fit, you'll receive an email back in roughly a week or so!

🚨  Please note: collaborations are NOT cash-sponsored.
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So nice to meet you! First things first: what's your name? ✏️ *
Next up: tell us all about yourself or your brand! 💙 *
What are your social media handles? List any you want to share with us below!📱 *
How many followers do you have on your socials? (List any relevant platforms!) 🖥 *
What makes you interested in a collab with JUST? 💦 *
What type of content would you be able to create? List any and all ideas you have! 📸 *
What makes you love your org or persona? Convince us why we should, too! 🤍 *
Have you done any past partnerships? If so, explain below! 🤝 *
If you have any examples of past work, please provide links here! 🔗 *
What's the focus of your business or organization? 📌 *
If you selected "5. Other" in the question above, please add a description of your business here!
Any other important info? Drop it below!
Have you had enough water today?? 💦
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