UPLIFT Access Monthly Webinar Registration
Image Description: UPLIFT Access logo that includes the disability pride flag colors of red, yellow, white, blue, and green that overlay a black background on the left. The right side has a black UUA chalice logo next to the words UPLIFT Access, Uplifting Accessibility in and beyond Unitarian Universalism.

Hello Friends! 

Our loving faith calls us to honor the inherit rights and dignity of all people and to fight forms of oppression wherever we find it. However, disabled people (who make up 26% of the population) regularly find ourselves pushed to the margins, being denied our needs, and not receiving the radical welcome UU’s aspire to provide to all members. 

Lay leaders, religious professionals, and allies are invited to join us for our monthly lunchtime webinars where you can learn how to be more accessible and inclusive of your congregation’s disabled members and visitors.

With Gratitude, 

Gretchen Maune, MPA, CPACC :: she/they
Accessibility Resources Coordinator

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
State *
Please select the date(s) that you plan to attend: 
(Check all that apply)
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Congregation/Organization *
Congregational/Organizational Role *
Are you serving on any committees or service boards in your congregation/community? If so, please list.

Do you identify as BIPOC? (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color)


Do you identify as disabled and/or as a person with a disability?


Do you have any access needs that will allow you to fully engage with the webinar? 

What accessibility topics are you most interested in learning about?
How did you hear about this webinar? *
Additional Comments/Questions:
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