Camp B'nai Ruach 2023 Staff Application
Camp B'nai Ruach, Congregation B'nai Israel's summer day camp will be holding 5 weeks of amazing summer camp to our community. Camp begins on Monday, June 26th and will go until July 28th. We will not have camp on Tuesday, July 4th. We are looking to hire energetic, responsible and caring leaders. Please submit your application by May 1st.
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Full Name *
Email address *
Cell phone *
Grade in Fall 2023 *
Date of Birth *
Home address - Street, City & Zip *
Weeks able to work. Check all that appy. *
Staff Training will take place during the week of June 19-23. Does this pose a problem? *
What position are you interested in? *
Please answer why you are applying for the above position. *
What are your specialties that you can lead at camp? *
Please describe why you answered the choice above. *
What unique qualities and talents will you bring to Camp B'nai Ruach? *
Do you have experience working with kids and in what capacity and age range? *
In what ways are you a role model and how do these qualities relate to this job? *
Please list work experience and reasons for leaving each previous position. *
Anything else you would like to tell the hiring committee? *
List two references with contact information *
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