NAV Community Survey
Thank you for taking the time to participate, we'd love to hear from you! The team have put together a survey to better understand the growing NAV community.  Please fill out this brief quiz so we can better communicate with and serve the needs of the greater community.

PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: Answers that you provide are confidential and will remain anonymous. Since the survey is anonymous and most questions open-ended, please give us as much insight as you can, anything can be of value.
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What is your gender?
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Select your age group
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What is your preferred language?
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How long have you been a part of the NAV community?
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How did you hear about us?
What excites you the most about the NAV project?
Which social media platform to you visit the most for industry news and updates?
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Which platform would you like to see NAV engage in next?
Looking to the future, which field do you see NAV playing a key role in (payment gateways, store of value etc)?
What are some features you'd like to see added to the NAV applications?
How can we improve our current features for a more seamless customer experience?
What platform is most convenient for technical FAQ & support?
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What updates from the NAV team are most important to you? (technical, marketing, team, industry, education)?
Are there any other points you'd like to mention about how we can improve the community experience?
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