Creative People in Florence Associazione Culturale
Modulo di Iscrizione 2024
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Nome/Name e cognome/ Surname

Nato/a (city of birth) a
Prov. (province/country of birth)
Residente in via (Address of residence)

 numero civico (house number)__________


Città (city)

provincial (province/state)

CAP (postal code)




chiede di aderire all’associazione culturale CREATIVE PEOPLE IN FLORENCE (c.f. 94257260482) in qualità di socio/a ordinario/a.  Conferma di condividere le finalità dell’Associazione, e versa la quota associativa annua di 25. 

I ASK to become a member of the cultural association CREATIVE PEOPLE IN FLORENCE (fiscal code 94257260482). I confirm my support for goals of the Association, and I agree to pay the annual membership fee of 25. 


Data (Date)

Luogo (Place)            

Firma (Signature)

Acconsento l’utilizzo dei dati personali necessari per le pratiche istituzionali ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.Lgs 196/2003 (I consent to the necessary handling of my personal information for instutitional use according to art. 13 D.Lgs)

Data (Date)                 

Firma (Signature)

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