AD(H)D Focus Group Registration

Dear participant,

Thank you for your interest in this study!

As part of the “AD(H)D in Academia” initiative, we conduct focus groups in the field of AD(H)D in women and their role in education. The aim of this research is to gain more insight into which facilities do or do not meet the needs of female students with AD(H)D.

Each focus group session will consist of 2 hours where we will talk about your personal experience with AD(H)D in the classroom but also in your daily life, the facilities your institutions provides and whether or not these are effective.

You hereby agree to participate in a focus group. Your answers will of course be treated confidentially and will only be used for later scientific evaluation and statistical analysis. The data will not be used by third parties. The data will be made unknown and can no longer be traced back to you. As soon as the results of this investigation are known, it is possible to be informed. Indicate this at the bottom of the form by leaving your email address. You have the right to withdraw your data at any time.

After filling out the form you will receive an email with further information before the session.

If you have any questions you can contact us at +49 176 766 88520 or
Name *
Email *
(Applied)University *
Preferred Language 
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Which session will you attend? *
How did you hear about us? *
I understand that my registration is final. If I am unable to attend I will let the organizer know 48h in advance. *
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