Neighborways for Missoula: Safe, Connected Streets Survey & How to get involved
A grassroots coalition of Missoula residents, working together through Common Good Missoula, is gathering stories from Missoulians about their experiences with street safety in support of our Neighborways campaign (Learn more here:

Please share your story below and sign up if you'd like to get involved.

Please answer in as much detail as you'd like.

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Do you have any experience with injury on the street?
Do you have experience commuting in Missoula without a car? What barriers do you experience to traveling via modes other than by car?
Do you have concerns about bicyclist or pedestrian safety? 
Are there problem streets or crossings in your neighborhood?
Do you face challenges related to housing in Missoula? Please describe in as much detail as you would like.
Would you be interested in learning more about the Neighborways campaign or having a volunteer follow up with you?
If yes, what is your phone number?
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