National Public Lands Day - September 23

Join the Chaffee Rec Adopters, Salida Mountain Trails, the BLM, USFS and AHRA for National Public Lands Day! 

We'll be working in the Burmac dispersed campsite and trail area. The event will also be a launch for the Chaffee Mobile Gear Library, where we'll be hosting a "backcountry cookout" featuring camp gear from the library and camp meals from Oso Adventure Meals and other lunch items! 

Saturday September 23

Meet at the Burmac (Racetrack) Parking Lot 

9am - Noon  - Work Project

Noon-2pm - Social Cookout

Bring: Gloves, closed-toed shoes, shovels/rakes. Water bottle. Hat, long pants and sleeves recommended. We'll have extra water and lunch is provided. Portapotties are on site. 

Questions: contact Jessica Downing,

Please sign this waiver:  (Waivers need to be signed once a year. If you have already signed the waiver at another event or as a Rec Adopter, you don't need to sign again)

About the Chaffee Rec Adopters: 

Chaffee Rec Adopters are residents and friends of Chaffee County that help keep our beautiful outdoors clean, fun and wild, now into the future. 
Find out more and join as an adopter at  

Chaffee Rec Adopters is brought to you by the Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (GARNA) and Envision Chaffee County in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Colorado Parks & Wildlife, Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area and Colorado State Land Board.  It is funded by these partners, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) and Chaffee Common Ground.

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