Nordic Approach account setup
Hey! We are thrilled that you are joining the Nordic Approach community. To move forward, we need some key information from you.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Company name *
Example: Nordic Approach AS
Country: *
First name *
Last name *
Phone number (with country code) *
Example: +47 45974500
Email *
What are your opening hours and days (for pallet deliveries)? *
For example: 09:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday
PALLET delivery address *
Street address, City, Postal Code, Country
SAMPLE delivery address *
Street address, City, Postal Code, Country (or just write same as above)
Billing address *
Street address, City, Postal Code, Country (or just write same as above)
VAT / tax number and EORI (if applicable)
UK customers, please include your EORI number
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