Ginger Starr Borden Coaching Application Form
Welcome! This application is for the opportunity to determine whether my 6 module or or 1:1 Coaching Services would work best for you.

I work with individuals who want to understand the Mindset, Instagram Setup and Posting Strategies to attract your ideal audience.

I want to save you the time it took me to read, research and find this type of information to build a community of people who will WANT to see your posts daily. They are interested in your products and services and they are the right fit.

Although there are no short-cuts and hard work is necessary in order to build a business, there are time wasting activities that do nothing for you that I want to help you avoid.
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Please fill out this form below to see which service may work best for your needs.
Your Name *
Email address *
Your Phone Number *
Your Instagram Username *
Choose from the following that best describes your needs: *
Tell me about your amazing business; which product or service do you provide? *
What is your biggest struggle right now? What has been the most challenging part of growing your business so far? Please be as detailed as possible. *
What are your hopes and dreams with your business? If you have a side hustle, do you want to quit your day job, etc? *
Describe your business in three words *
At what stage are you with your business currently? *
Why is right now the right time to work on your business on Instagram? *
What is your current monthly revenue (if any)? *
When do you want to get started?
What is your current available budget to devote to coaching? *
Please choose the option that interests you most *
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