What support do you need?
Dear College Student,

The Collective Success Network is a Philadelphia-based non-profit whose mission is to support low-income/first-generation (LIFG) college students. During this challenging period, we are committed to supporting LIFG students impacted by campus closings to get the help and resources they need to navigate COVID-19 emergency measures.

We would like to redirect you to these student relief programs we created to address your needs more directly:

Anyone who needs a computer to take online classes should fill out this request form: https://bit.ly/CSN-LaptopRequest

Anyone who needs help to buy food and essential supplies can request a $50 grant using this form: https://bit.ly/CSN-FinHelp

Please also refer to our student resource guide to learn more about other programs that may help you:

We'll do our best to help you,
The Collective Success Network
Learn more at: https://www.collectivesuccess.org
Ask questions: info@collectivesuccess.org
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