Moultrie Orchestra 24-25:  Parent/Student Information and Orchestra Handbook Contract
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Student Name (First Last) *
Student ID Number *
Grade Level and Class Period for Orchestra *
Student Instrument for Orchestra
Student T-Shirt Size *
Student Birthday
Parent Name 1 *
Parent Name 2
Parent Email 1 *
Parent Email 2
Parent Phone 1 *
Parent Phone 2

By Filling Out and Digitally Signing this Google Form:

--I have read and understand the policies stated in the Orchestra Handbook.   

--I agree to follow the class rules, procedures and expectations. 

--I have received Ms. Arroyo’s emails and if not will ensure I get on her email list

--I have the 2024-2025 orchestra calendar and am responsible for my attendance at events that occur before & after school. 

--I understand the financial obligation to the orchestra program. 

Please Type your Signature to Provide your Digital Signature to indicate that you agree to the terms listed in above in regards to the Orchestra Handbook.
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