SPG Feedback Survey  
We created this form to get direct feedback from our customers in order to help us with improving the quality of our food and service. We review this at the end of every week, so any feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you so much for coming into SPG!
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Name (Optional)
Did you come into SPG for lunch, dinner, take out or other? *
How would you rate our service from 1 to 5? *
How can we improve on our service? (Any feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!) *
How would you rate your meal from 1 to 5? *
How can we improve on our food? (Please be detailed, we value your feedback!)   *
Overall what would you rate your experience? *
What can we do to help make your experience at SPG better? *
BONUS!!!: Is there anything you would like to see on our menu? *
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