Application Form For Clients


Thank you for being here and considering taking this step with me. Coaching is all about partnership, and this application helps us see if we’re the right fit to walk this path together. Let’s make it fun, maybe cozy up with your favorite blanket and a cup of something warm, and let’s dive in.

Take your time with answering these questions knowing that there’s no right or wrong answer.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Instagram handle: (This is how I’ll reach out to you once the application is submitted) *
1.  What made you seek coaching with me specifically?

2. Where do you envision yourself with the support of a coaching partnership?

3. What steps (if any) have you already been taking to move closer to your vision?

4. What do you feel has been holding you back or standing in the way of your progress?

5. Have you worked with a coach or therapist before? If yes, how was your experience?

6. Why is now the right time for you to seek coaching?

Coaching is a financial investment.

Click here explore the ways we can work together and the investment for each option.

Once your application is submitted, I’ll review it and reach out to let you know whether we’re the right fit. Either way, you’ll hear from me!

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