ZINE Artist Application
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Email *
Applicant Contact Details
Name *
(How would you like to be addressed in internal communications?)
Social Media Accounts (AO3, twitter, tumblr, etc) *
Please copy-paste the links! For example, http://username.tumblr.com/ is good, but username@tumblr makes things harder for us.
Discord account
There will be an optional contributor-only Discord server to share WIPs, get feedback, and socialize. Whether or not you have a Discord account will NOT affect your application.
Artist Application
Pieces do not have to be previously published anywhere!
Sample Pieces *
Please include a SINGLE link to a Google Drive folder (Make sure you set it so that ANYONE with the link can VIEW), Dropbox folder, or other site where we can see samples of your work. We are looking to review 3-5 pieces of full illustrations/comics. They do not have to pertain to the theme. If you are also interested in applying to create merchandise, please include 1-3 samples of previous merch items you have created (if any).
Artist Portfolio
If you have a more general art portfolio, please link to it here.
What type of illustration are you interested in creating for the zine? *
You will only be asked to submit one type.
Do you have any ideas of what you might submit?
This does not affect your application, but in case of acceptance, we would like to have a starting place for brainstorming.
Are you interested in contributing merch designs as well?
If you are, please let us know what type of merchandise you are comfortable creating. The mod team is considering flat merchandise (stickers, bookmarks, print).
Other Logistics
Would you be interested in being a pinch hitter in the event of a contributor drop-out? *
Pinch hitters would be called upon to submit a piece in case of a contributor drop-out. Your answer does not affect your application.
If you are interested in pinch hitting, what is the absolute minimum amount of time it would take you to complete a piece?
Have you read and do you agree with the rules (marked "Please read if applying" on link.com)?
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at link.com
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Any other comments?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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