TOO Video Feedback
Thank you for watching the video and giving us feedback! We look for all of our videos to be student-approved and we'll definitely take your feedback into account. Please answer all of these questions to the best of your ability. Please be thoughtful and be honest.
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Video Title *
What did you learn from the video? *
Was the video short enough that it kept your interest through the whole thing? *
Was any vocabulary explained so that you understood? If not, what word(s) need more explanation? *
Was the video entertaining? If not, is there anything we could do to make it entertaining? Any "jokes" you would add? *
Was there anything you would add to or remove from the video? *
How appropriate is the video for your age group? *
Too easy, not challenging at all
Too challenging, didn't understand
What else would you like to learn about in this topic? What questions do you have after watching the videos? *
Would you recommend this video to other students? *
If you would not recommend this video, why not? *
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