High School Student Parking Pass Application
Va. Code § 22.1-205.1: Each public high school shall require any student who applies to obtain a pass to park a vehicle on school property to provide evidence that the student possesses a valid driver’s license or driver privilege card. The Department of Education shall develop, and each public high school shall utilize, a standard application form for students to use to obtain a pass to park a vehicle on school property.

Please complete all information for the student applying for the parking pass.
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Email *
Pass Requested *
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Student ID number *
Insurance provider for student *
Insurance policy number for student *
Phone number *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Select the type of License *
DTS B or TDL-180 is a valid driver's license for 180 days from the eligibility date shown on the certificate, or until you turn age 18
A driver privilege card is a driver's license for non-US citizens.
What is the License #? *
What is the expiration date for the license? *
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