Highland District Council (HDC) invites students enrolled grade
11-12 or college who live or go to school in District 15/Highland Park (zip code 55116) to join us as a Student Liaison.
As a liaison with the council, you will learn more about city
government, transportation, development, and community engagement while
providing us with valuable insight into what's most important for the next
generation of Highland residents.
HDC Student Liaison responsibilities and expectations:
Term length: 1 year (September through June with the option to continue through summer)
Attendance expectations:Attend board meetings* (2 hours per month; first Thursday evening of every month)
Attend committee meetings* (2 hours per month; second or third Tuesday or fourth Monday evening of every month)
Optional: Additional volunteer opportunities, either at events or in other areas of service
*Student Liaisons’ votes will not count in passing resolutions and other board matters, but they can participate in regular board discussion and work with other board members to introduce topics
Fulfill the fiduciary duties of care, loyalty, and obedience established by Minnesota law.
Declare all conflicts of interest the member may have in business that is before the Council.
Observe the privacy and confidentiality of the organization and abide by our Code of Conduct.
All candidates must submit the following form by 5 p.m. on Sunday, September 29.
Contact Kathy at kathy@highlanddistrictcouncil.org or call