Wonder Cat Rescue Foster Questionnaire
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Fostering for Wonder Cat Rescue
Wonder Cat Rescue is an all volunteer/unpaid non-profit organization devoted to rescuing needy kittens and cats from shelter euthanasia, abandonment and life on the streets. We are not a shelter, but a team of caring foster homes and volunteers who open our own homes to needy cats until permanent placement can be found. We cover the cost of necessary medical attention but our foster homes care for the kitties in their own homes, where they're given abundant love and affection.

Prospective adopters, who have seen a cat they are interested in via our website, are pre-screened and then meet the kitty in their foster home. We value the input of our foster homes in ensuring that their foster kitties end up in loving homes. Many adopters stay in touch making this process even more rewarding.

Cat & Kitten recommendations:
Kitties initially need to have a place to call their own, such as a playpen, room, or a bathroom. Adjustment is often better in a smaller room; somewhere that they can be close to their litter box, food, and water. Fosters should initially be kept in areas that can be easily cleaned/disinfected and should not come in contact with any existing resident pets until after their health has been ascertained as stable.

Unaltered kitties are typically spayed or neutered at clinic. We ask that the foster home transport there and back on the one-day that is required. Kitties are scheduled on a day you are able to make it.

Please do not incur any expenses for which you wish to be reimbursed without checking in with us beforehand.
Foster Questionnaire
Please fill out all fields.
Name *
Address *
Phone *
E-mail *
Where will the cat/kittens be kept when nobody is home? (Please be specific) *
How long, on average, will this animal be left alone each day?  What provisions would you make if leaving a foster alone for 8+ hours per work day? *
How long are you available to foster?  We ask that you commit to keep the animal until it can be adopted unless pre-arranged otherwise. *
Have you ever fostered before?  If so, please list previous fostering experience? *
Do you currently own a pet(s)?  If so, what type(s)?  Do you have a place to keep your foster animals away from your own animals initially?  (NOTE:  This can be necessary for slow introduction purposes and also for health reasons.) *
Are you willing to administer medications should the animal require it? *
Do you understand that we will schedule all routine medical visits and preauthorize all veterinary expenses but you would need to transport the animal to the spay/neuter clinic (unless fostering an already altered animal)? *
Would you be able to provide appropriate food and litter for this pet at your own expense? That would help us tremendously! *
Tell us about why you would like to foster and who your ideal foster would be (i.e., mom+litter, sibling kittens, adult cat, etc).  If kittens, how many kittens can you foster at one time? *
Is there any information you would like to add or questions you might have? *
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