2024 CFOFO  Anniversary Award
The Canadian Federation of Fiji Organizations would like to recognize and celebrate couples who are celebrating 25+ years of bliss together!

Qualification for Application:
• Complete nomination packages must reach the CFOFO Community Gala Committee by 11:59pm on September 15, 2024. Late or incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.
Please note we are restricted in the number of awards that can be recognized. As a result, applications will be considered on a first come first serve basis. Couples can only apply once to each category.
• Be married or common law for 25 or more years before December 31st of the current year.
• Applicants must be residents of British Columbia, Canada.
• E-mail a photograph of the couple with the completed application form to “info.cfofo@gmail.com”.
• Provide a brief biography in 300 words or less about the couple.
• CFOFO will announce the recipients at the CFOFO Community Awards Gala on November 10, 2024 at the Annacis Research and Event Centre (1400 Lindsey Pl., Delta, BC V3M 6V1). The couple or a designated representative of the couple MUST be present, in person, at the event in order to be officially recognized and awarded. The couple and their guests attendance at the event will be at their own expense.

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Couple's Information: first and last name *
Date of marriage
Couple's mailing address *
Couple's contact number *
Couple's e-mail address(es) *
Which recognition category are you applying for?
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Provide a brief biography in 300 words about the couple (e.g. how did they meet, their journey together, any advice for other couples, etc.). This will be printed in our event magazine. *
Required Supporting Documents:

1) Applicant to provide a digital photograph of the couple to info.cfofo@gmail.com. Successful applicants will have their photographs printed in the CFOFO Awards Gala magazine and shared virtually on our social media platforms and website.

Applicant's Declaration
a) I agree to abide by the decisions of the CFOFO Awards Gala Committee and am aware that the Awards Gala Committee’s decisions shall be final.

b) All information provided is true.

c) I hereby authorize CFOFO to use any information and pictures provided with this application for any promotional purposes, in CFOFO publications, etc.

d) I understand that all documents submitted with this application will become the property of CFOFO.

e) I understand that the names of the successful recipients will be announced at the CFOFO Community Awards Gala on on Sunday, November 10, 2024 at the Annacis Research and Event Centre (1400 Lindsey Pl, Delta, BC V3M 6V1). Nominees MUST be present, in person, at the event in order to be officially recognized and awarded or send a representative to receive the award on their behalf at the event. The nominee and their guests attendance at the event will be at their own expense.

By typing your names below, the couple agrees to the above. *
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