HCS Technology Contract-EHHS
Please fill out the following form before your high school student receives a school-issued Chromebook. If you have more than one student, please fill one out for each individual student. Thanks!
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1:1 Initiative
Technology Contract: Vision, Expectations, Responsibility, Code of Conduct
Technology Contract: Insurance
Student Name *
Student Grade *
Student 1st Block Teacher *
I have viewed the HCDE 1:1 Initiative video above. *
I have read, understood, and agree with Hamilton County's one-to-one technology expectations. *
I have read, understood, and agree with Hamilton County's one-to-one technology responsibilities. *
I have read, understood, and agree with Hamilton County's one-to-one technology code of conduct with devices. *
I have been made aware of the insurance available for the device. *
Student electronic signature *
Parent/Guardian electronic signature *
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