Madrichim Application 2022-2023
Sign up for our Madrichim Program as a classroom assistant. Please visit for more information.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Cell phone *
Grade *
Why do you want to be part of the Madrichim program? *
What skills do you bring to the table as a madrich/madricha (artistic, musical, technology, Hebrew knowledge, etc.)? *
What leadership and work experience do you have that will make you good for this position? *
Have you been a madrich/madricha at Temple Israel before? If yes, when and for what grades/teachers? *
What is one thing you would like to learn while being a madrich/madricha? *
Please mark which days/times you are available to work (as many as you want). You can also write your ideal and then choose an "other" option if you don't know. *
If you have any preferences regarding your placement (what grade you would like to work with, office placement, library placement) please indicate them here. We do not guarantee you will receive your preferred placement but will try to accommodate. *
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