Instructor Interest Form
Interested in sharing your skills and teaching a class at The MINT? Please fill out and submit this form. Upon review, The MINT will contact you to talk further about providing a class, workshop, or skill-building session for our members and the public. Thank you!

NOTE: Classes or class series sessions are typically two hours in duration. We are flexible regarding the time of day that classes are offered - mornings, afternoons, and evenings are all possible, and we are open seven days a week. Most classes are aimed at adult learners, but we are also interested in hearing from people who work with children and youth audiences.
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Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Preferred Contact Method (check one) *
Are you currently a member of The MINT? *
What are you interested in teaching at The MINT? *
Please check all that apply re: your needs to prepare for and conduct this potential workshop/class. *
Please share any details on the timeline for delivery of this class. If you have specific dates in mind, please list below. *
Please share any other details, suggestions, or thoughts you have about this potential class or class series below. *
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