Wild Roots Summer Camp Registration - Bishop 2018
Welcome to Registration for Wild Roots Summer Camps taking place in Bishop, CA!  

Ages: 4-7 years old

Each session is Monday through Friday.
Each summer camp day is 8:45am-1:00pm.

Costs:  $275 per session
Full payment secures your child's space.

Session 1:  June 18 - 22 at Community Garden
Session 2:  June 25 - 29 at Mill Pond

Lead Teacher: CJ Cintas, cjcintas@gmail.com


1) Fill out and submit the form below, with a separate form for each child you are registering.

2) Make payment within 3 business days to secure your child's space as SPACE IS NOT SECURED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED.  

3) Release and Emergency Contact Forms for your child to attend summer camp will be emailed to you in advance of summer camp.  These forms should be filled out and brought to your child's first day of summer camp.  Please be aware we cannot keep your child at camp without these forms.

CANCELLATION POLICY: If Wild Roots cancels a session, all payments will be refunded in full.
If you cancel a session, payment is partially refundable up to June 6th, less a $75 cancellation fee for each space.  ​After June 6th, payment is nonrefundable in full.

LATE POLICY:  Wild Roots Summer Camp hours are from 8:45 to 1:00 pm daily.  Children should not be dropped off earlier than 8:45 and must be picked up by 1:00pm.  A late pick-up fee may be applied at the rate of $5 within the first 15 minutes, increasing by $5 for every successive 5 minute period.  If a late pick up cannot be avoided, be sure to text or call the lead summer camp staff.

PAYMENT METHODS:  Please include a note/memo with your Child's Name and the Session/s you're securing.
1) Check or money order made out to "Wild Roots," mailed to 3730 Avon Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93105.
2) Paypal to wildroots.sb@gmail.com.  

- well fitted and comfortable backpack
- hearty lunch, preferably in a reusable container (sweets are not recommended after a morning of physical activity and are likely to make your child irritable after summer camp)
- small water bottle, reusable (we will carry extra water to refill bottles)
- sun hat
- please apply sunscreen before camp (and include sunscreen in backpack as needed for reapplication)

*We will provide a wholesome snack mid-morning for all of the children.*

CONTACT WITH QUESTIONS:  CJ Cintas, Wild Roots Eastern Sierra, Lead Teacher at cjcintas@gmail.com

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Child's Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Parent / Guardian  #1 Name *
Parent / Guardian Best Daytime Phone Number *
Parent / Guardian #1 Email Address *
Parent / Guardian #2 Name
Parent / Guardian #2 Best Daytime Phone Number
Parent / Guardian #2 Email. Address
Session 1: June 18 - 22 at Community Garden
Session 2: June 25 - 29 at Mill Pond
Does your child have any allergies?
Clear selection
If your child has any health concerns, please share them with us.
Does your child take any medication regularly?
Clear selection
If your child does take regular medication, please share with us the type, what it is used for, how often the child takes the medication, and how long they have been taking it.
Please share any social or emotional concerns you have for your child.
Has your child ever been stung by a bee?
Clear selection
If your child has been previously stung, what was the reaction like?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
The cost of each session space is $275.

All camps run from 8:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Late policy applies.

CANCELLATION POLICY: If Wild Roots cancels a session, all payments will be refunded in full.
If you cancel a session, payment is partially refundable up to June 6th, less a $75 cancellation fee for each space.  ​After June 6th, payment is nonrefundable in full.

LATE POLICY:  Wild Roots Summer Camp hours are from 8:45 to 1:00 pm daily.  Children should not be dropped off earlier than 8:45 and must be picked up by 1:00pm.  A late pick-up fee may be applied at the rate of $5 within the first 15 minutes, increasing by $5 for every successive 5 minute period.  If a late pick up cannot be avoided, be sure to text or call the lead summer camp staff.

RELEASE: The undersigned also releases Wild Roots and its agents, from all claims which may develop or accrue to me, or the minor for whom this authorization is intended to benefit, on account of, or reason by of, any injury, loss, or damage which may be suffered by me or the minor as a result of the exercise of this consent and I hereby assume and accept the full risk and danger of any injury, hurt or damage that may occur as a result of the use of exercise of this consent.
I have read and understand the above terms and agree to abide by these and all other Wild Roots Policies.  (Sign name below) *
Total cost - calculate $275 per session  ($550/two sessions) *
Payment Method *
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