s2s-ai-challenge registration
Competition Timing: June 1st - 31st October 2021
Website: https://s2s-ai-challenge.github.io

If you have trouble submitting this form, please consider emailing the responses to aaron.spring@mpimet.mpg.de.

Please re-submit the form in case of changes in your team.
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Team name *
Team corresponding contact name *
name of real person
Corresponding contact Email *
We might need to contact you and your team during the competition in case of unforeseen changes or technical problems.
research institution(s), company, organization(s) (country)
Other team members
Please list: Name*, Email*, renku username*, affiliation (country)
Please list the country/countries your team members are based in. If all members of your team are based in developing or least developed country or small island states as per the UN list (see https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/WESP2020_Annex.pdf table C, F, H p.166ff), you qualify for the 3rd prize.
Do you want to apply for computational resources in the European Weather Cloud at ECMWF?
ECMWF will provide limited compute nodes on the European Weather Cloud EWC (where large parts of the data is stored) upon request. This opportunity is specifically targeted for participants from developing or least developed country or small island states and/or without institutional computing resources. Please note that we cannot make promises about these resources given the unknown demand. Please provide why and not only if you request computational resources in the text field below until June 15th 2021.
I agree to the rules on specified on https://s2s-ai-challenge.github.io/#rules. *
I agree to make my repository public after November 1st 2021. *
Anything you'd like to add?
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